On Sunday, March 25th, Kisses for Kyle will be escorting 11 beautiful young girls, along with their Mommies, to the American Girl Doll Store! They will board a decked out Shuttle Bus and ride from Philadelphia to New York City. The bus will stop in front of the doors to the store! Once we arrive, each girl will have a personal shopper so that they can each select their very own American Girl Doll! They will each receive a special Kisses for Kyle outfit, enjoy special services such as manicures and hair styles, and will be treated to a delicious celebration lunch! After this special day, we will board the Shuttle Bus back to Philly to enjoy a special celebration dinner before we part!
Take a look at each girl you will be supporting by "adopting" them for the day for this special experience:

Each full adoption is a $250 tax deductible donation. You can join in as a group with your co-workers, friends, family or neighbors or you can select a girl to adopt on your own!
With each adoption, you will receive a framed picture of the beautiful girl holding her brand new American Girl doll!
Please contact us if you are interested in being a part of this very special experience! info@kissesforkyle.org or 267-210-1489