Happy Birthday Lucy!
Kisses for Kyle Thanks
Live Like Lucy for all their contributions to our families!
Just to name a few:
- Phillies & Union honored Lucy
- October - Catered lunch for St. Chris Oncology
- December - adopted a family through our Holiday Program
- December - Kristen Johanson hosted fundraiser at McCrossen's Tavern in Philly, raising $1850 in memory and honor of Lucy
- January - Catered lunch for St. Chris oncology
- February - sponsored hot dogs at our Harlem Globetrotters family night in honor of Lucy's Birthday
- March - movie gift cards to enjoy Onward "together" at home
- April - movie gift cards to enjoy Trolls World Tour "together" at home
- May - movie gift cards to enjoy choice of Emma; Spies Like Me; Justice League; I Still Believe "together" at home
- September - Sacred Heart School in Havertown hosted #LiveLikeLucy Dress Down Day
- November - helped sponsor Thanksgiving grocery gift cards through our Food is Love program
- December - adopted a family through our holiday program
- December - movie gift cards to enjoy The Croods on New Year's Eve "together" at home
- January - Catered lunch for St. Chris oncology
- February - sponsored hot dogs at our Harlem Globetrotters family night in honor of Lucy's Birthday
- March - movie gift cards to enjoy Onward "together" at home
- April - movie gift cards to enjoy Trolls World Tour "together" at home
- May - movie gift cards to enjoy choice of Emma; Spies Like Me; Justice League; I Still Believe "together" at home
- September - Sacred Heart School in Havertown hosted #LiveLikeLucy Dress Down Day
- November - helped sponsor Thanksgiving grocery gift cards through our Food is Love program
- December - adopted a family through our holiday program
- December - movie gift cards to enjoy The Croods on New Year's Eve "together" at home
- January - movie gift cards to enjoy Sing 2 "together" at home
And the appreciation can be felt in these quotes and photos of two of our #livelikelucy movie nights
Happy heavenly birthday 🎂 We have a prior engagement… Was a fun movie
Shara Moskowitz
We love movie night! Slocum family and thank you k4k and McCabe family 💛
Slocum Family
We loveeee movie nights! Count us in!
Gilbert Family
Eickhoff family please we would love to celebrate sweet Lucy!
Eickhoff Family
McGroarty family! Let's celebrate sweet Lucy together. Bring on the pjs and 🌭 sounds like a perfect party to me.
McGroarty Family
The Thorpe Family would love to celebrate Lucy’s Birthday with everyone !!
Thorpe Family
The Brooks family would love to celebrate Lucy’s birthday and watch the movie! Thank you!
Brooks Family
Sounds like fun! The Cook family would love to celebrate Lucy's birthday with you and the McCabe family! #livelikelucy
Cook Family
Thank you so much Kisses for Kyle Foundation, #livelikelucy and Sharon for the wonderful family movie night. Tyler loves Sing 2 so much!!!! We were in the "movie theater" that he created complete with popcorn. Thank you for all that you do, especially with making special memories we will cherish forever. 😍 🥰 ❤️
Claussen Family
Thank you kisses for kyle and live like Lucy! (sorry for the late post)!
Matz Family
Thank you Kisses for Kyle and Live Like Lucy💛 the girls have watched 3 times already!! 💃👯♀️
Gregg Family
Thank you so much Kisses for Kyle Foundation, #livelikelucy and Sharon for the wonderful family movie night. Tyler loves Sing 2 so much!!!! We were in the "movie theater" that he created complete with popcorn. Thank you for all that you do, especially with making special memories we will cherish forever. 😍 🥰 ❤️
Claussen Family
Popcorn ready…M&M in hand and the pizza is in the oven!!! Lets go Sing 2
Eskeridge Family
Thank you #LiveLikeLucy
Thank you Kisses for Kyle Foundation and Live Like Lucy for the movie night!!!!
Libby Family
Watching sing 2 with family. Thank you the movie was fantastic
Fournier Family
Thank you Kisses for Kyle and #livelikelucy🥰
Hivner Family
Thank you so much #kissesforkyle and #livelikelucy for providing a fun night of watching sign 2!
Kahley Family
Cozied up by the fire on this freezing cold night with her best friend and her little sis to watch! I only wish I got a video of the dance party at the end! #livelikelucy #kissesforkyle
Spoerl Family
We started a little late tonight but enjoying the show!! Thank you so much #livelikelucy and #kissesforkyle for this fun family night❤💛
Denisi Family
Thank you Kisses for Kyle family events! And #livelikelucy 📽️😊🎶
Hamlin Family
Thank you #livelikelucy and
Ausby Family
"Sing Twooooooo!" Thank you SO much once again Kisses for Kyle family events! , #livelikelucy and Sharon Snyder for a beautiful family movie night! We danced, we sang, we ate popcorn and cupcakes…we had a blast!! We absolutely Love being able to participate in all these fabulous events! We're so lucky to be a part of this crew ☺️💜💛
Guen Garro
Loving watching Sing 2 with our KFK Family Virtually !! Popcorn, Pajamas, and Sing 2 !! Thank you Sharon Snyder and Mandy Glasgow McCabe #livelikelucy #kissesforkyle
Thorpe Family
Thank you Kisses for Kyle and live like lucy!!! We watched our movie earlier today, bc a couple of little girls just couldn't wait any longer 😍
Leigh Family
Here we go !!! 🍿🍿🍿thank you so much ! #kissesforkyle #livelikelucy
Here we go !!! 🍿🍿🍿thank you so much ! #kissesforkyle #livelikelucy
Lynne Family
The kids are loving it so far! Thank you #kissesforkyle and #livelikelucy. 💛
Kay Family

Live Like Lucy Movie Nights